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Confessions of Love

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w-what's wrong?
Ah...ah'm so sorry Rainbow.
This might seem so
sudden to you, but...
I was so scared that night. I've...
I've had these feelings for you for
awhile now, and when you didn't show
up for that apple pie that night...
with those disappearances happening,
it scared me half to death...
Excuse me, ma'am, have
you seen Rainbow Dash
around at all today?
Last I saw her, she was
headed to Sugarcube Corner
to do some baking with Pinkie
Pie. Haven't seen her since.
We sent a messenger
out for your friends,
Applejack. They should
be here shortly.
Try and breathe. I know
this is a shock, but it'll
be best if you remain calm.
Ah can't lose her...
ah can't. She's my best friend...
Everypony on the other
side of that door is doing
everything they possibly can.
Oh, Dash... Why? Why do you have to be
within an inch of your life for these
feelings to surface, and make me want
to pour my heart out to you? I've
wanted to tell you how I feel, but
if I have to bury these feelings
for now, to help you recover, so be it...
Ah'm sorry Rainbow. I should've told you.
I just...just felt that I had to be strong...
to help you recover, to help you be strong again...
Tonight, I don't want
you to be strong.
th-that was...
that was...
P-Princess Luna?
Sorry about the late hour,
Rainbow Dash, and the disguise.
It attracts less attention.
But I have something to tell
you. It''s important.
Come on in,
your Highness.
Rainbow, part of me wonders why I waited so long to bring this to you, but...
I didn't want any more damage to be done. If this got out, it would spell doom
for Sugarcube Corner, and Mr. and Mrs. Cake didn't have anything to do with this.
They don't deserve that. But I still think you deserve a look. I...withheld...
it from the evidence of the investigation.
What is it?
It's her journal.
Of the killings.