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The Cupcake Killer Part 4

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Now if everypony would
bow their heads for
a moment of silence.
Thank you all.
Thanks so much for coming out today,
everypony. When I first got this idea
in my head a couple weeks ago, I never
anticipated this outpouring of support.
I'll be honest, I wasn't particularly
close with any of the victims of these
killings, but many of you were, and every
day I thank my lucky stars that my name
isn't carved into this fountain.
So let this fountain be a reminder of what
Ponyville has lost. Of the joy and happiness
these ponies brought into our lives.
It's very beautiful. I can't wait to
see how it looks under the moonlight.
Thank you, your highness.
What can I do for you?
Actually, I just thought I'd come and
let you know something. This isn't for
everypony's ears, but it concerns Pinkie.
Two days later
Look...I don't think everypony will ever be
able to agree on how to view what you did.
Whether it's right to remember you and
the way you were before all this happened.
I don't honestly know what I'd say to
you, had you survived. I'm trying my
hardest to cope with what you did to
me, Pinkie. You were one of my best
friends, and I think I'm the only one
out of our friends who's ready to move on.
You're gone now, and I can't feel about
you the way the other victims do. You
didn't take anyone from me, except...
yourself. We'll never know if you had
any idea what you were doing, if there
was something seriously wrong with your
mind. I'm sorry if anything we did caused this.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...
I don't know if I'll ever be able to
forgive you for what you did. I'm going
to find a way to live with what you did
to me, and I'll be stronger for it. But...
you were a great friend, regardless of
what happened to you in the end.