
Edward's Cognitive Hazards

NAME Description Size

JK Basic Compatible

A pretty basic airlock cog. Activate one set of doors and will stay open for a period. While one set of doors are open, you cannot open the other set.
Not optimized for MP.
966.00 bytes

JK Basic Compatible

A cog that creates a template of your choosing at a steady pulse and optimized.

561.00 bytes

JK Basic Compatible

Flickering Neon Light Cog.
535.00 bytes

JK Basic Compatible

One sided locked door with key. That is, one end is openable without a key, but not the other.
709.00 bytes

JK Basic Compatible

An advanced and optimized PlaySound cog that only plays the sound when its origin is within earshot (max distance). Also, it will muffle the sound if it or the view is underwater. Ok, maybe not muffle but bring the pitch down by 50%
(so don't mix music and water with this thing).
And to top it all off, the sound also pitches according to the reletive moving speed of the viewport and the sound's origin (like a passing car).

Note that I say viewport rather than player. This is because this will also work with cinematic cameras that fly about.

It also features remote control via SendMessageEx() and SendTrigger(). See manual for details.

7 216.00 bytes

JK Basic Compatible

This cog is used for skyboxes. It uses the "flicker" technique that recreates the object so that it is always visible no matter what sector you are in. It also recreates the object at your current location so it looks like it is not moving according to your relative position. And it also rotates.
Do note that you should not have a skybox already placed in the level. This cog will create a fresh new copy.

650.00 bytes

JK Basic Compatible

A cog that changes the direction of a sector thrust with a flip of the switch.
589.00 bytes

JK Basic Compatible

This is an attempt at creating smart conveyor belts.
It starts on one surface and will seek out another surface with the same texture and is right next to the first one. Once calculated the first surface will slide in the direction of the next surface and the process will repeat with the next surface. Handy for those who are lazy to connect surfaces to the right angles, but can get messy if the surfaces are cleaved to pieces. Also, it will only connect one other surface to another. No forks in the road.

976.00 bytes